

这两天在看阿摩司·奥兹的《黑匣子》,前面虽然时有云里雾里之感但都凑合着看下去了,看了一半左右出现了一句“你是不是渴望在米晒勒自己的游戏中打击他”才觉得忍不了了……译者钟志清老师不知道beat someone at his own game的意思也没什么,为什么不动手查一下呢?(虽然这个版本据说是从希伯来语直译过来的,但因为我十分怀疑希伯来语里有字面意思一模一样的用法,碰巧核对了英文版以后发现那边写的就是Was it really just because you were dying to beat Michel at his own game,所以推测译者此处是参考了英译本的译法。)

You probably recall the famous statement at the beginning of Anna Karenina, in which Tolstoy, donning there the cloak of a calm village deity and hovering over the void full of benign toleration and loving kindness, declares from on high that all happy families resemble one another, while unhappy families are all unhappy in their own way. With all due respect to Tolstoy I'm telling you that the opposite is true: Unhappy people are mainly plunged in conventional suffering, living out in sterile routine one of five or six threadbare clichés of misery. Whereas happiness is a rare, fine vessel, a sort of Chinese vase, and the few people who have reached it have shaped and formed it line by line over the course of years, each in his own image and likeness, each in his own character, so that no two happinesses are alike. And in the molding of their happiness they have instilled their own suffering and humiliation. Like refining gold from ore. There is happiness in the world, Alec, even if it is more ephemeral than a dream. Indeed in your case it is beyond your reach. As a star is beyond the reach of a mole. Not "the satisfaction of approval," not praise and advancement and conquest and domination, not submission and surrender, but the thrill of fusion. The merging of the I with another. As an oyster enfolds a foreign body and is wounded and turns it into its pearl while the warm water still surrounds and encompasses everything. You have never tasted this fusion, not once in your whole life. When the body is a musical instrument in the hands of the soul. When Other and I strike root in each other and become a single coral. And when the drip of the stalactite slowly feeds the stalagmite until the two of them become one.










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